Feline Arthritis

Does your cat suffer from ARTHRITIS? Your cat May and your are unaware. A staggering 75% of cats over the age of 7 suffer from arthritis.

The earliest signs are often behavioral such as; litter box avoidance because it's difficult to get into, lack of grooming because they can not reach any more without discomfort and they often become reclusive and seem more irritable.

Depending on how much pain your cat is experiencing you may also see signs of stiffness, limping especially after they sleep, they change the way in which they walk, they begin to loose muscle mass, positions that were normal are now painful and they avoid jumping to sleep on the bed.

There are many things you can do to help your feline feel more comfortable in their home. When dealings with a senior cat you should consider using a large litter box that has lower sides to make it easier to get into and give them plenty of room. Try to leave the litter box on the main level so there are fewer trips down the stairs, place a comfy bed on the floor or place a ramp so they can get to their favorite sleeping spot.

A management program can be developed through your Rehabilitation Practitioner to help relieve the aches and pains of arthritis by using safe, drug free methods of reducing inflammation and allowing a more comfortable quality of life.


Puppy and Senior Body Awareness